Churrasco L12

Unit 1, 7a west Darby village, Liverpool, L12 5HJ

Menu Churrasco

In order to get detailed information about the foods and beverages arranged and supplied by Churrasco: a South American takeaway in Southport and Liverpool you will have to go though our takeaway menu. It will also help you in planning a takeaway order for us in future on some special occasion. Though our outlet is at Southport and Liverpool still our takeaway menu is same on both the locations. At the beginning of our menu you can find various types of starters like Garlic Bread with Cheese, Spicy Chicken Nachos and Mexican Dippers etc. to select from. Before selecting from our main dishes you can also choose from some salad dishes to make our main dishes a bit more special. Our main dishes may include Marinated Tender Lamb Skewers, Chicken & Chorizo Skewers and Creamy Spinach Tomato Tortellini etc. from which you can short list few for your guests. In the next part of our menu you can find some seafood dishes along with some Angus Beef Burgers and steaks like Pan Fried Shell of Prawn, Churrasco Special Burger and Rib Eye Steak etc. Some of the Special Cuts and Steak Sauces offered in our menu can help you in making your order a bit more special for your friends and family. The side dishes provided in our menu can help in completing your order for eatables. In the beverage section you can find a variety of soft and hard drinks including water, aerated drinks and various types of Wine as well as Ciders and Beers from which you can choose as per the liking of your guests while entertaining them at some special occasion.

About Churrasco

Churrasco is gaining reputation as a South American takeaway in Southport and Liverpool since long. It has gained popularity at both the locations on the basis of our consistent efforts to provide same taste and flavours to our customers living in any of these cities and their nearby areas. In order to attract more customers to our both the takeaway restaurants we have accepted their takeaway orders online from the very beginning. Now we have released our apps to allow people working out of their homes or offices to place their online orders from where they are. Earlier they have to go to their office or home for this purpose. They can use this service just by using their mobile devices to download our apps from App Store or Google Store.

Restaurant location Churrasco

Finding Churrasco in Southport and Liverpool was never difficult as this South American takeaway is located at prominent locations in both the cities. You can easily reach us in respective restaurant to collect the delivery of your takeaway order. If you have used local transport to reach us then you may need guidance from some local people to find us in your respective cities. But if you are using your personal vehicle for this purpose then you can use online maps like Google maps to reach us conveniently.

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